New Study: King-Devick Performs As Best Objective Concussion Test

Published in Eye Care Journal Scan / Research · May 15, 2021 TAKE-HOME MESSAGE The authors demonstrate the limitations of certain sideline concussion tools in non-concussed patients. In this study, of the objective tests,...
Concussions, Research

Study – Risk of CTE From MMA “Should Not Be Underestimated”

Posted on February 9, 2021 by EMagraken Adding to this site’s database of combat sports health and safety studies, research was recently published in the Journal of The Physician and Sports Medicine addressing brain injury...
Concussions, Research

Sports vision, concussion care should go hand in hand

Charles Shidlofsky, OD, FCOVD I recently worked with two professional hockey players on a team for which I provide sports vision care. One of the players is still struggling...
Concussions, Optometry

ADHD, Dyslexia May Affect Evaluation of Concussion

Young people with certain learning disorders, such as attention-deficit disorder/attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) and dyslexia, can perform worse on commonly used concussion tests, a new study shows. “Our results suggest...
Concussions, Neurological Function

Headballs can affect eye function

Headers are an integral part of football. Safety concerns have changed the rules among minors in many countries, including the United States. © Mikkel Bigandt - A study...