Extra points – The NFL is partnering with the Canadian Football League this fall to implement and monitor a new concussion test, the King-Devick Test, which is based on...
“Advancing the science around concussion diagnosis, prognosis and treatment to improve player health and safety is our priority,” says Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, co-chair of the NFL Head, Neck and...
Among the 397 students studied, nine were diagnosed with serious concussions and two were not able to return to play during the season. Based on these results the research...
Pete Ryan, a member of the MHSAA Representative Council, was the test subject for the King-Devick Test, which asks athletes to read single-digit numbers on a tablet to detect...
“These pilot programs are intended to not only improve what’s actually happening on the sidelines at practices and contests in these communities that are part of the pilot programs,...
Concussions which occur but are not discovered put the player at risk for remaining in the game and possibly having another concussion which may be much more serious, since...
On the sidelines, the test can identify athletes that not only have suffered a full-blown concussion but sub-concussive brain trauma as well. Thus, the test is an excellent “remove-from-play”...
“For decades, optometrists have used the King-Devick test to aid in the diagnosis of ocular motor dysfunction and a need for vision therapy,” says Marc Taub, OD, MS, FAAO,...
“It’s about that Jell-O within that cranium,” says Dennis Cardone, an associate professor of orthopedic surgery at Langone Medical Center, and co-director of NYU’s Concussion Center. “How it moves...
The King-Devick Test is one method Clugston and his team have used since 2011. The test is a two-minute challenge that requires an athlete to read single-digit numbers displayed...
Dr. Kurt Miceli, Medical Director of Bancroft, a neurological rehabilitation facility says it could prevent more injuries. “I’ve seen numbers one and a half million up to three million...
The simple assessment, which doesn’t require medical knowledge to conduct or evaluate, may be especially useful in the youth sports arena where trainers and team physicians are few and...
Take Home Message: The King-Devick test is a quick and reliable method to assess vision, eye movements, language function, and attention. An athlete with a concussion tends to complete...
“In the youth leagues in particular, when there may not be doctors or athletic trainers on the sidelines when a kid gets hit, this enables parents with proper training...